“Au bout d’un cap, une ville apparaît, dont la ligne, droite, éblouissante sous le soleil couchant, semble courir sur l’eau”
(At the end of a cape, a town appears, whose line, straight, blinding under the setting sun, seems to run upon the water. )
This quote is from a passage in La Vie errante – Maupassant’s travelogue whence I stole the name of this site – about Hammamet, which may well be my favorite town in North Africa. But that’s another story for another time.
Because this is a story about Macedonia.
And it’s not even a proper story, at that. Just a few photos of the most astonishing, brilliant, sparkling sunset I’ve ever been privileged to behold. The vivid rich colors dashed across the sky and painted the waters of Lake Ohrid like something out of a dream.
If I hadn’t already loved Ohrid, I would have been sold at that moment, but as it was the sunset was the perfect bow on a perfect day. One of life’s simple and perpetual pleasures that no mere photograph can do justice to, but I tried.